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Home / Judiciary / Magistrates / Danielle Sparks


Danielle Sparks



BA - Ashland College
JD - University of Akron
MED - Xavier University

Law Clerk - Uniroyal Goodrich Tire Company
Prosecutor Intern - Massillon Law Department
Staff Attorney - Franklin County Public Defender's Office
Bailiff/Staff Attorney Honorable Anne Taylor
Staff Attorney Honorable H William Pollitt Jr.
Part-time Magistrate Franklin County Municipal Court (2008 - 2013)
Full-time Magistrate Franklin County Municipal Court (2013 - present)


Each side is usually granted one courtesy continuance. Continuances should be requested at least 5 days prior to trial. Other requests for continuances will be considered on a case by case basis.


All parties should exhibit appropriate speech, dress, and attitudes while in court. No hats, headbands, sunglasses, or food is permitted. No video or audio recording is allowed. Cell phones should be silenced. Any ringing cellphones may be confiscated by the Court.

Motions & Briefs

After a motion is filed, a time-stamped copy should be delivered to the Magistrate for review prior to the date of the trial. A copy can be e-mailed to the Magistrate at: [email protected]


Two estimates are required to show damages or an actual receipt for repair/replacement.

Pursuant to R.C. 1925.17, an officer of a company, corporation, or limited liability company may file a complaint and attach all necessary documentation to the complaint. That officer may appear in court and make a statement, but may not present any evidence, conduct cross-examination, or make any legal arguments without being represented by an attorney.


Parties will be asked to attempt settlement prior to trial. Court mediators are available upon request. Settlement avoids all of the risks inherent in litigation (the risk of a defendant having a judgment entered against them, or the risk that a plaintiff will fail to meet the burden of proof and therefore recover nothing) and it puts the resolution of the dispute in the hands of the parties, rather than subjecting them to a resolution imposed by the Court. 


All exhibits such as photos, text messages, receipts, ledgers, contracts, leases etc. should be printed out and brought to court. Please have copies made for each party (one for plaintiff, defendant(s), and one for the Magistrate). If there is a video, the Bailiff must be notified in advance to secure the proper equipment to view the video.

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