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Home / Departments / Services / Court Reporters

Court Reporters

The services of the court reporter include making a verbatim record of most court proceedings, preparing transcripts of the verbatim record at the request of a party or the Court, and maintaining all exhibits.

Transcript Requests

Advance deposits toward the cost of a transcript may be requested at the discretion of the reporter. Payment(s) by either check or cash shall be arranged at the time a transcript is ordered and must be paid in full before the transcript is released or filed. Copies of a transcript are only available once an original transcript has been purchased. Costs of copies vary depending on who requested the original and who is requesting the copy. 


Transcript Costs (per page)

Civil Cases, non-digital
Regular Delivery* Original $4.75 Same Party Copy $0.75 Opposing Party Copy $4.75
Expedited Delivery (5 business days) Original $6.25 Same Party Copy $0.75 Opposing Party Copy $6.25
Overnight Delivery* Original $6.75 Same Party Copy $0.75 Opposing Party Copy $6.75
Criminal Cases, non-digital
Regular Delivery* Original $4.50 Same Party Copy $0.75 Opposing Party Copy $4.50
Expedited Delivery (5 business days) Original $5.75 Same Party Copy $0.75 Opposing Party Copy $5.75
Overnight Delivery* Original $6.25 Same Party Copy $0.75 Opposing Party Copy $6.25
Civil and Criminal Cases from Digital Recording
Regular Delivery (15 business days) Original $5.25 Same Party Copy $0.75 Opposing Party Copy $5.25
Expedited Delivery (less than 15 business days) Original $6.25        

* Regular delivery - two (2) weeks or at the availability of the Court Reporter and length of the transcript
* Overnight delivery - next business day
* Transcripts for appeals - 40 days from the date of the appeal

 Request a Transcript    

Audio/Video Recording Requests

Recordings are not available for all proceedings and a recording is not the official record. To obtain an official record for an appeal or other purpose, you must request a transcript above.

If you are a member of the media, please visit the Media Request Page for more information.


 Request an Audio/Video Recording    



The Court Reporters are the custodians of any exhibit submitted during a court proceeding and retain them until the conclusion of litigation. All parties are hereby notified that exhibits not retrieved will be destroyed sixty (60) days after litigation has concluded. Parties interested in retrieving their own exhibits after the conclusion of the case should contact the Court Reporter's Office to determine eligibility.


Still have questions? Contact a Court Reporter at (614) 645-8257 or [email protected].