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Wedding Ceremonies

Civil marriage ceremonies are performed at the Duty Judge's discretion Monday through Friday by appointment only. Walk-ins are not accepted.

An interpreter must be requested in advance of the ceremony so arrangements can be properly made. Interpreters are only available for afternoon wedding ceremonies. Request an Interpreter  

Prior to the ceremony, a processing fee of $25 must be paid on the 3rd floor of the Civil Division at 375 S. High St., Columbus, OH 43215. The marriage license, marriage certificate, and fee receipt must be provided on the day of the ceremony. The Municipal Court is not the only location where a ceremony can be performed. If the license expires before the first available or desired date, search the web for civil ceremonies or weddings in Franklin County Ohio.

For marriage license information please visit Franklin County Probate Court  online or call (614) 525-3108.



Where do civil wedding ceremonies take place?

How do I pay for my ceremony?

  • Prior to the ceremony, the $25.00 processing fee must be paid on the 3rd floor of Franklin County Municipal Court in the Clerk of Court’s Civil Division. A receipt must be presented at the ceremony. The Clerk accepts payments in the form of cash and credit card. An automatic fee of $2.95 is applied to all card transactions and cardholders must have a matching picture ID to complete the transactions. Apple Pay, Cash App, and other payment apps are not accepted and the fee cannot be paid online.

What do we need to bring to our civil wedding ceremony?

  • A non-expired marriage license, marriage certificate, and paid fee receipt are required on the day of the ceremony. Couples are not required to exchange rings or provide a witness for the ceremony.

Where do we obtain our marriage license?

What if the marriage license expires prior to being able to schedule a ceremony?

  • An updated marriage license can be obtained through Franklin County Probate Court  . The Municipal Court is also not the only location where a ceremony can be performed. If the license expires before the first available or desired date, search the web for civil ceremonies or weddings in Franklin County Ohio.

Are guests welcome at the ceremony and can we take photos?

  • Yes. Up to 16 guests are welcome at the ceremony and photography and video recording is permitted.

How long will our civil wedding ceremony last?

  • On average the ceremony will last about 10 minutes.

What do we do after our ceremony? Do we need to do anything with our marriage paperwork after our ceremony?

  • To have the marriage properly filed and to obtain the official abstract, the marriage license and completed marriage certificate will need returned to the Probate Court in the county that issued the license.

Still have questions?

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