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The Franklin County Municipal Court has established the Court Security Program to comply with standards created by the Ohio Supreme Court.

The purpose of these standards is to establish a safe environment in the courthouse for elected officials, court employees, case participants, and the visiting public. It is the policy of the Franklin County Municipal Court that all visitors successfully complete the physical screening process before admittance to the building is allowed.

The Screening Process

Upon entering the Franklin County Municipal Court, visitors shall place all items such as bags, packages, and purses through the x-ray machine. All items are subject to being searched for prohibited items.

Additionally, visitors shall successfully pass through the walk-through magnetometers. To successfully do so, visitors should observe the following procedures:
  • Remove all items from pockets and place into the plastic tray. These items include but are not limited to coins, gum wrappers, keys, lighters, cigarettes, and any other metallic items.
  • Place purses, briefcases, backpacks, belts, and parcels in the x-ray machine for scanning.
  • Electronic items that shall be placed through the x-ray machine include but are not limited to laptops, cell phones, and other portable wireless devices.
  • Outer garments with a large amount of metal (zippers, buttons, tags, decorations) should also be removed and placed through the x-ray machine.
  • If visitors unsuccessfully pass through the walk-through magnetometer, they are subject to search with a hand-held metal detector by Court Security Officers.
  • During high-visitor peak hours, it is recommended visitors arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their appointment.

Prohibited Items

Items Prohibited in the Franklin County Municipal Courthouse include, but are not limited to:

  • Any firearm, deadly weapon, dangerous ordnance, or explosive device as defined in Revised Code Section 2923.11, or as would by common sense or common usage be used primarily or secondarily as a weapon
  • Any instrument that is specially adapted as a weapon
  • Any switchblade and/or martial arts knife of any length
  • Any knife or any knife-like instrument of any length
  • Any straight razor or razor blade
  • Any drug of abuse or illegal substance
  • Any incendiary device or firework, including smoke and stink bombs
  • Any device that operates as a noisemaker
  • Any type of sound amplifier, except a personal hearing aid that operates without disruption to the Court

The Court security officers may exclude any other item or items that caution, good sense, or professional experience suggest are inappropriate to the Court environment, whether or not that item is specifically listed.