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Home / Departments / Services / Specialized Dockets / h.a.r.t. Court

h.a.r.t Court

Helping Achieve Recovery Together

What We Do

The h.a.r.t. program is a two-year, four-phase opioid-specific drug court certified by the Supreme Court of Ohio giving defendants with a history of treatment, refusal, or non-compliance the opportunity to engage in addiction treatment.

Our Mission

h.a.r.t. addresses the needs of defendants who use opiates and whose history of treatment non-compliance and/or refusal to accept treatment has resulted in criminal charges by establishing effective treatment as an alternative to incarceration, improving quality of life, and increasing the safety of the community by providing court oversight and linking defendants to appropriate treatment and service providers.

"Drug courts save lives, we are saving lives. I am incredibly proud of our participants who have worked hard to find recovery and stay in recovery. They get their lives back, remain sober, become law abiding citizens, retain employment, raise their children, and help their peers in recovery." 

— Judge Jodi Thomas, Presiding Judge over h.a.r.t.


Our History

Ohio has one of the highest drug overdose death rates nationally with 15% of the prison population being incarcerated for drug possession charges. Stemming from the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Program and Opiate Extension Program, h.a.r.t. became an independent specialized docket program in 2014 aiming to help participants avoid both those fates by giving defendants an alternative path. Graduates of h.a.r.t. are awarded the challenge coin to signify their hard work and dedication throughout the two years in the program.

What to Expect

Participants in h.a.r.t. agree to the following:
  • Complete substance use assessment and treatment recommendations
  • Comply with medications prescribed by medical doctors
  • Attend court, check-ins, and individual status reviews
  • Call in for randomized drug screens
  • Participation in individual or group counseling, mental health, and/or anger management treatment
  • No possession, purchase, sale, or use of illegal substances and/or alcohol
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