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Home / Judiciary / Judges / Jarrod B. Skinner


Jarrod B. Skinner




Judge Jarrod B. Skinner was elected to Franklin County Municipal Court in November 2017 after having served the previous 12 years as a Prosecutor for the City of Columbus. He presides over both a standard criminal/civil docket in addition to the Military and Veterans Services (MAVS) docket.

Judge Skinner serves as Chair of the Technology Committee and as Co-Chair of the Personnel Committee at the Franklin County Municipal Court. He also serves as a member of the Finance and Budget Committee, Specialized Docket Committee and the Probation and Pre-trial Services Committee. Outside of Franklin County, Judge Skinner serves on the Supreme Court of Ohio Advisory Committee on Domestic Violence and is a board member of the Franklin County Law Library. Additionally, he currently serves on the Capital University Law School Alumni Association Board and has previously served on the Columbus Bar Association Board of Governors and the African American Law Alumni Board at Capital University Law School.

Judge Skinner moved from The Bronx, New York to Bedford, Ohio in 1996. The first in his family to go to college, Jarrod earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from The Ohio State University, where he developed an interest in becoming an attorney. After working two jobs and attending law school at night, Judge Skinner graduated from Capital University Law School in 2005 and shortly thereafter began his legal career, dedicating his life to fighting for equal opportunities for all citizens, no matter their background.

Judge Skinner is the Presiding Judge over the MAVS Specialized Docket. Learn More  


Continuances and extensions will be granted if reasonably possible with the understanding that all cases should be resolved within the time frame and guidelines of the Rules of Superintendence. Requests for continuances should be presented to the Court a minimum of five (5) days prior to the court date. Opposing parties are to be contacted regarding the request and notify the Court if agreed or opposed.


The courtroom is a place in which everyone will be treated in a respectful and courteous manner as to provide an environment where all parties feel justice is being served. Litigants, counsel for the parties, and witnesses must be respectful to one another and to all parties in the courtroom. Examinations need not be conducted at the lectern. Counsel should ask permission to approach a witness. Cell phones and wireless devices must be on silent while in the courtroom. Food, drinks, sunglasses, and hats (religious headwear are exempt) are not allowed in the courtroom.

Motions & Briefs

Motions are to be submitted timely with a proposed Entry and served on opposing parties. Briefs are required to support the written motion. Motions may be ruled on without oral hearings, unless requested. All motions are to be submitted to the Court at least five (5) days before trial date. It is the practice that all motion hearings, in any case that one is requested, will be conducted in a liberal and relaxed manner with extensions granted for good cause.


The use of an audio or video recording system inside the courtroom is not permitted except as may be authorized by the Court in advance of a hearing.


Civil cases are assigned to a Judge upon the filing of an answer or other responsive pleading. Most cases are referred for mediation before being scheduled for a hearing with the Judge. If mediation is unsuccessful in settling a case, it will be scheduled for a pretrial or a trial before the Judge.

Motions and discovery are stayed until the conclusion of mediation. Permission from the Court is required to file a motion once a case is scheduled for hearing before the Judge.

Pretrial/Status Conferences

Pretrial conferences are scheduled in all cases for discussion of the case, discovery, and complex issues. All parties should have authority to act on behalf of litigants, as it is not necessary for the actual litigants to be present at the pretrial. Litigants with attorneys appearing on their behalf must be available by telephone for consultation. Counsel are required to confer before the hearing pursuant to Local Court Rule 6.01, making a sincere effort to settle the case and to agree on evidentiary matters about which there is no genuine dispute. Request for telephone or Zoom pretrials should be submitted by motion and opposing parties must be contacted regarding the request. The party requesting the continuance must initiate the conference call and contact the Court at the designated time. If Zoom is requested, parties must provide the Court correct contact and emails for all parties three (3) days prior to the Zoom conference. Pretrial Statements must be provided according to Local Court Rule 6.01 at all second pretrials.

Motions & Briefs

All Motions and briefs are to be submitted timely and served on opposing parties. Courtesy copies delivered to the Judge will expedite rulings. 


If a demand for a jury trial is made, the required deposit must be made by the requesting party within fourteen (14) days of the pleading demanding that the case be tried to a jury. If the deposit is not made, the case shall be tried to the Court.

Upon settlement of a case, an agreed entry may be submitted to the Court in advance of any hearing date. If settled the day of trial or hearing, an entry shall be submitted within thirty (30) days or the action will subject to dismissal.


The assigned prosecutors are encouraged to meet with the attorneys to discuss the cases. If further guidance is needed, the Court shall be available.

Criminal and traffic cases are automatically set for pretrial hearings after a jury demand is filed. Criminal defendants are to be present for a plea unless their counsel has a court-approved Plea in Absentia form. Attorneys may also request Zoom hearings for pleas and expungements and are required to provide all applicable forms (jury waivers, etc.) 24 hours before the Zoom hearing. Hearing dates for motions will not be scheduled until a motion is filed.

A jury trial is available in a criminal or traffic case when the offense or offenses carry a possible jail term. If no jail term is available as part of a sentence, a defendant is only entitled to a trial to the Court. There is an option to have trials or hearings recorded by the courtroom's audio/video system or to have a court reporter present to make the record.

Motions & Briefs

All motions and briefs are to be submitted timely and served on opposing parties. Courtesy copies delivered to the Judge will expedite rulings. Parties should request a hearing when necessary. Collaboration with parties and the Court is appreciated. The Court will ony entertain motions for bond modification on the record, in open court, and with prior notice to the prosecutor. The Court will entertain requests for warrant set asides in the presence of the defendant and the prosecutor.


Discovery must be requested prior to the pretrial hearing date via the Columbus City Attorney's Matrix application. Contact the courtroom prosecutor directly to discuss any issues with discovery. Prosecutors' Courtroom Assignments  

Pretrial/Status Conferences

Criminal defendants must be present at all pretrial hearings unless a non-appearance is approved by the Court. Zoom hearings are available and can be arranged through the Bailiff. Counsel should be prepared to discuss their case with the prosecutor and attempt to terminate the matter at the pretrial conference if at all possible.


The Court will only entertain motions for bond modification on the record in open court with notice to the prosecutor.

Jury Procedures

The Court will not require written documents, such as jury instructions. However, if they are desired, the Judge may make an exception to the rule. Jurors are permitted to inspect exhibits at trial and in the jury room. The Court generally seats two alternates in addition to the sworn jurors. Jurors are permitted to ask questions in writing. The Court does not limit the time devoted to opening statements or to closing arguments, in the belief that experienced trial counsel will manage their time wisely. The jury is instructed by the Judge. Counsel are permitted to talk to the jurors on the last day of the jurors' service.

All preliminary matters shall be addressed prior to the calling of the jury into the courtroom. The Judge will first address the prospective jurors with some general inquiries and preliminary instructions. Each side will then be given the opportunity to inquire of the prospective jurors. Preemptory challenge procedures are by the rules. 


A case, when continued for a jury trial, will be scheduled according to the likelihood of a trial commencing on the assigned date, taking into consideration issues with regard to speedy trial, the anticipated length of trial, and the availability of jurors to be present for the trial. A jury trial date may be continued for good cause shown to the Court.


Motions in Limine (request that certain testimony be excluded from the jury) must be done in writing and submitted to the Court five (5) days before trial. 

Exhibits should be marked ahead of time with copies available for the Court and the parties. The original exhibits are maintained by the court reporter. Trial notebooks must be exchanged in accordance with the pretrial memorandum for civil cases and should be submitted to the Court ten (10) days before the trial date.

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