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Home / Judiciary / Judges / Cynthia L. Ebner


Cynthia L. Ebner




Judge Cynthia L. Ebner is a life-long resident of Franklin County and has more than 20 years experience in private practice. Her legal experience spans the fields of criminal defense, traffic, contracts, probate, and real estate law. She was elected to the bench in 2015 and began her term in 2016. Judge Ebner’s other interests lie in real estate development and management as well as being active in local, national, and international community leadership.

Judge Ebner is a graduate of Eastmoor High School, where she graduated second in her class of more than 300. She attended The Ohio State University where she earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in finance and real estate and then attended Capital University Law School and Notre Dame Law School in London, England.

In 1993, she founded Ebner Law Offices. She also obtained her real estate Broker’s license and started Ebner Realty Group, Ltd. Additionally, she has her Life/Health and Property/Casualty Insurance license.

Judge Ebner has been very active in the community. She is a founding member of the United Way’s Women’s Leadership Council and has served on the executive board for the Central Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and is a member of the Columbus Bar Association. Additionally, she is founder of the Children of Holocaust Survivors – both OSU and Columbus chapters, the National Young Leadership Cabinet of the Columbus Jewish Federation, both the Anti-Defamation League and Columbus Jewish Foundation’s Legal, and Tax Advisory Board, to name a few. She was also involved in the production of the Emmy award winning docu- drama “A Survivors Journey” a story of the survival of her father, Murray Ebner, during the Holocaust.

In her spare time, Judge Ebner enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling, playing tennis, and skiing.


It is important to remember that this is the "People's Court." The Courtroom is run in a relaxed but professional atmosphere. All persons shall show respect for the law, parties, attorneys, and all other persons involved with the court proceedings. Parties are encouraged to discuss the case in advance a goal of efficient resolution of cases.

In the age of the COVID pandemic, the Court encourages and expects defense counsel and the prosecution to actively engage in discussion and a possible plea in order to reduce the number of appearances by the Defendant.


Proper courtroom etiquette is observed. Everyone is treated in a respectful and courteous manner making the courtroom a place where all parties feel justice is being served. The Court requests the litigants, counsel for the parties, and the witnesses be respectful to one another and to the other parties in the courtroom. Counsel should ask permission to approach not only the Court but also witnesses. As for courtroom attire, no shorts, t-shirts, hats, sunglasses, head bands, food, liquid beverages, or cell phones are permitted. Exceptions will be made for religious attire. 


It is the Court's practice that continuances and extensions will be granted, if reasonably possible, with the understanding that all cases should be resolved within the time frames and guidelines established in the Rules of Superintendence. Requests for continuances must be presented to the Court a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the court date. Opposing parties must be contacted prior to the submission of the request for continuance to the Court. 

Agreed requests for continuances are preferred. Motions to continue must specify all of the following: the reason for the continuance, whether the continuance is agreed or opposed, and the length of time needed. 


The Court's Assignment Office schedules all initial pretrial hearings. The Court will schedule additional pretrial hearings if deemed reasonable. Cases in which either party is without counsel shall be given the opportunity to have their case referred to the Dispute Resolution Department for mediation. If the parties participate in mediation, the Dispute Resolution Department will send notice of the date and time of the hearing. All discovery shall be exchanged prior to trial in accordance to the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure.

Pretrial/Status Conferences

Motions are to be submitted timely with proposed entries attached and served on opposing parties. Motions may be ruled on without an oral hearing unless requested by the parties. All motions must submitted to the Court at least five (5) days prior to the trial date. All motions will be reviewed and decided in a timely manner with extensions granted for good cause.

Status Conferences are held only if requested by the parties or if the Court deems it necessary. This Court does not conduct conferences or pretrial hearings over the phone. All parties must be present, unless authorized in advance by the Court.

All parties, with or without counsel, need to be present at Court appearances unless excused by the Court. If the Court approves the absence of either party, the attorney should make sure their client can be reached to facilitate any settlement offer. Counsel are required to confer before the hearing pursuant to Local Court Rule 6.01 and to make a sincere effort to settle the case and to agree on evidentiary matters about which there is no genuine dispute.


Settlement conferences will be held on the day of trial, unless the Court determines that an earlier conference is warranted. If the parties feel that a settlement conference would help resolve their case, they should contact the Judge's Bailiff to schedule a time with the Court. The Court encourages meeting with counsel to effectuate a settlement to avoid protracted ligation. Counsel should inform the Court immediately upon settling a case. Counsel should not wait until a release has been fully executed or settlement payments have been made to inform the Court of a settlement.


Criminal and traffic cases are automatically set for pretrial after a jury demand is filed. Criminal defendants are to be present for a plea unless their counsel has a court-approved Plea in Absentia form. Hearing dates for motions will not be scheduled until a motion is filed.

Pretrial/Status Conferences

Criminal defendants are to be present at all pretrial hearings unless otherwise excused by the Court. Counsel should be prepared to discuss their cases with the prosecutor and attempt to resolve the matter at the pretrial hearing if at all possible. If further advice or counseling is necessary, the Court is available to meet with the parties prior to the plea or discuss negotiations prior to a possible trial.

Zoom hearings are available and can be arranged through the Bailiff. Please provide the Bailiff and/or Secretary with all email addresses at least three (3) business days prior to the hearing in order to send meeting invites. Waivers (i.e. Advice of Rights and Waiver of Trial by Jury) will need to be executed by the Defendant and available to the Court prior to the Zoom hearing. 


The Court encourages the prosecutor to meet with the opposing counsel to discuss the case(s) and exchange any discovery requested.


All pleas will be offered on the record with a court reporter present or by electronic recording. The Court will consider recommendations by counsel concerning plea negotiations and sentencing.


The Court may have up to 30 jury trials set on any given day.


Trial dates will be scheduled by the Court/Bailiff with the approval of counsel. Trial date continuances will be granted providing it is within rule and with approval of both counsel, preferably at least one (1) week prior to trial.

Jury Procedures

Voir Dire shall be conducted by counsel after a short introduction and questioning by the Court. Peremptory challenge procedures follow the Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure.

The Court will provide jury instructions with copies to each counsel to review and will make any changes necessary if agreed upon. Depending on the case, jurors may be permitted to take notes. Jurors are permitted to inspect exhibits that have been admitted during deliberation in the jury room. Jurors will be permitted to ask questions in writing during deliberations in accordance with the instructions of the Judge. Counsel is permitted to talk with jurors after the verdict is read, upon permission of the Court.


Exhibits: Exhibits are to be marked in advance with copies available for the Court and the parties. The originals shall be maintained by the court reporter.
Experts: Qualifications of experts should be confirmed in accordance with the law and the local rules.
Use of Videotapes: Allowed with prior notice.
Objections: By the rules.
Daily Transcripts: Not required.
Closing Statements: Conference before summation is not required.

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