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Social Work and the Self Help Resource Center


Social Workers and attorneys play very different but important roles in the legal system. The Self Help Center at the Franklin County Municipal Court has recently implemented a program that adds a licensed social worker to the office team. Social workers are a welcome addition to the Center in that they are able to broaden the services that can be provided. Having a social worker on staff allows the Center to be able to address nonlegal issues in addition to the legal services provided.

What CAN the Self Help Center Social Worker Help Me With?

Our social worker can help connect you with various different services. Whether it’s a question about housing, employment, counseling resources, or financial assistance (just to name a few), our social worker may be able to help. We are able to provide short term assistance in order to help connect you with longer term supports. Our social worker can provide you with a list of resources to help you access the things you need.We CAN get you started with good job-search and housing-search websites that fit your situation. We can sometimes identify specific apartments or jobs that you will want to apply for. We can also help you to develop a plan for when you leave the center.  If you are unable to use a computer at home, we may be able to help you apply for certain government benefits such as, food stamps, unemployment, health insurance, and emergency assistance. Although there may not always be a legal solution to your problem, our social worker may be able to help you find other available options to help you navigate your situation.

What CAN’T the Social Worker Help Me With?

Our social worker cannot work with you on an ongoing basis. While we are here to help, we cannot schedule ongoing appointments with you. The Self Help Center is a drop-in style center. You are able to come in anytime between 9am-3pm to access our services. The center is not able to offer any kind of case management but we can work with you to connect you with someone who can. We cannot help you actually apply for an apartment or job, give references to an employer or a landlord, follow up on your application, or advocate for you with an employer or landlord. Additionally we cannot find and submit any documentation for you, follow-up on any applications you submit, communicate with government officials on your behalf, keep or save documentation for you, or be responsible for your application in any way. We also are unable to offer any counseling or therapy services. Our social worker can’t interpret your legal case but we may be able to help you understand the information you have been given. Lastly, we are not able to follow-up with you after you leave the Center.

Need assistance from our Social Worker? Visit the Self Help Center Monday - Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM.