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Home / Departments / Services / Dispute Resolution / Mediation / Mediation


Mediation is a way for people to resolve disputes outside of court with the help of a neutral third party, called a mediator.

The mediator helps parties exchange information and proposals through negotiation. Mediation is private and the mediator can document a written agreement for the parties. Mediation can occur before a lawsuit is filed or while a lawsuit is pending with the Franklin County Municipal Court.

Contact a Mediator

Contact a mediator directly if you are interested in attempting to resolve your case before your court hearing.

   Contact a Mediator

Mediation Rules and Policies

Mediation is a private process that is protected by state law and court rules. Read more about the mediation process and the laws and rules applicable to mediation.

Mediation Local Rules and Policies   Franklin County Municipal Court Local Rule 6.12

Online Case Resolution Privacy Policy   Online Case Resolution Privacy Policy

Language Access

Language assistance is provided to mediation participants at no cost.

On-staff interpreters interpret Spanish, Somali, French, MayMay, Swahili, and Italian, and contract with external language services and certified deaf interpreters to assist with other languages. If an interpreter is needed, please make the request soon as possible.​

Interpreter Request   Interpreter Request Form