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Home / Courts / Environmental Court / Get to Know Your Community Court

Get to Know Your Community Court

The Franklin County Municipal Court Environmental Division, also known as the Franklin County Environmental Court, hears various cases related to the quality of life for residents in Columbus and Franklin County, Ohio. These cases arise from the City of Columbus Code and Ordinances, suburban ordinances, the Franklin County Zoning Resolutions, and the Ohio Revised Code.



Housing, Zoning, and Building Related Cases

  • Housing Code Violations brought by the City of Columbus Code Enforcement,  address residential properties that do not meet the minimum standards set for the health and safety of both residents and neighbors. Such properties may be in a state of disrepair or contain trash and debris, among other potential violations. 

  • Zoning Code Violations are brought by The City of Columbus Building and Zoning Services, suburban code enforcement departments, and Franklin County zoning enforcement officers. Businesses operating without a proper license or certificates, illegal sign violations (including advertising and political signs), defective and/or unpermitted additions to houses or businesses, and activities prohibited in certain zones are examples of violations brought to the Division.

  • Nuisances under ORC 3767 are civil actions brought by the City of Columbus or the State of Ohio in conjunction with local Law Enforcement and Code Enforcement officer. These cases involve businesses, residences, and apartment complexes where sufficient illegal activity is occurring. The Court may declare it a public nuisance. Upon doing so, the property may be shut down until such time as the owner can assure that the illegal activity will cease.

Environmental Safety Related Cases

  • Littering and Illegal Dumping Violations are brought by the City of Columbus Refuse Inspectors, The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Environmental Crimes Unit, and local law enforcement agencies. Offenses such as Littering/Dumping are criminal violations, and the Environmental Division has exclusive jurisdiction over these cases in Franklin County.

  • ​​Highway Safety and Hazardous Waste Transportation violations are enforced by the Franklin County Sheriff Weight Enforcement Unit and local law enforcement.  They also enforce state laws regarding overloaded and oversized vehicles, in order to preserve the roadways and bridges in Franklin County. These cases also come before the Environmental Division. The Columbus Police Department enforces Columbus City Codes regarding overweight or oversized vehicles and transportation of hazardous material through the City.  They also enforce Columbus City Codes for loud noise violations and prohibited reoccupancy of vacant buildings.   

  • Health Code Violations are brought by the Columbus Health Department and Franklin County Health Department and involve problems related to rat and mosquito harborage (including old tires and accumulated junk), infectious disease control, sewage system violations, sanitation issues, and violations related to improper food safety.

  •  Fire Code Violations are brought by the Columbus Division of Fire, suburban fire departments, and local police departments. Such violations may include arson or fire safety related issues.

Animal Related Cases

  • Animal Code Violations are filed by two agencies. Franklin County Animal Care and Control file violations related to licensing, vaccinations of animals, dangerous dog declarations, and animals running at large. Columbus Humane files violations related to animal abandonment and cruelty.

  • Wildlife Violations are Criminal Violations brought by officers of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. These cases include hunting, boating, fishing and exotic animal license violations.