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Home / Courts / Environmental Court / Dockets, Brochures, and FAQ

Environmental Court Resources and Handouts

Docket Information

The Criminal Docket includes defendants cited for criminal violations of housing and animal related codes including minor and first degree misdemeanors. Proceedings include arraignments, trials, and sentencings. Community representatives or neighbors may appear and offer testimony, photographic evidence, and comment, subject to the limits of the law and the Court. The criminal docket is held Monday through Friday in Courtroom 15B beginning at 9 AM.

The Civil Docket includes cases in which properties and individuals are cited for civil injunctions and remedies to violations of local housing and nuisance related codes. Proceedings include injunctions, contempt, and restraining orders. Community representatives or neighbors may appear and offer testimony, photographic evidence, and comment, subject to the limits of the law and the Court. The civil docket is held Monday through Friday in Courtroom 15B beginning at 9 AM.
View the docket for Courtroom 15A  

 " The Environmental Division strives every day to help maintain safer, better, cleaner neighborhoods for Franklin County Residents "

- Environmental Court Judge, Stephanie Mingo
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About Environmental Court